Mar 3
How to Plan a Successful Trade Show or Event
Maximise your Alberta trade show and event impact with expert tips on displays, event signage, branded apparel, giveaways and vehicle graphics.
Marketing / July 5, 2022
Marketing and branding are two different things that are both vital for a successful business. So, what’s the difference between marketing vs. branding?
As Julie Andrews sang, “Let’s start at the very beginning…” It is indeed a very good place to start!
Q: What is branding?
A: Just like burning a mark on cattle, the American
Marketing Association
defines branding as, “A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or service as distinct
from those of other sellers”.
In other words, branding denotes what makes your offering unique and embodies the values and ethos of your firm. Key elements of a brand
include your logo, color palette, typography, imagery, tagline, voice, and website – all of which must be cohesively recognizable.
Q: What is marketing for a business?
A: Marketing can be defined as the set of actions you take to promote your company and its products or services. It
involves creating and delivering high-quality messaging that connect with and attract customers, partners, and the public.
Q: What is the difference between marketing and advertising?
A: Marketing and advertising have the same function: persuading customers to buy products and services. Because
marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses several activities that are used to promote products and services, advertising is an
important component of marketing. (Check out our ""What
is the difference between marketing and advertising"
blog post that dives deeper into marketing vs advertising.)
Now that we have cleared up the definitions of marketing, branding, and advertising, let’s delve into their differences and how that affects your organization.
First, you need both branding and marketing to successfully grow your business. While marketing attracts buyers to engage with your company initially, branding keeps people coming back for more. Although they have the same overall aim, each has its own nuanced goals, KPIs, and results.
It follows, then, that branding is done ahead of marketing. Branding will evolve along with the growth of your business. But it lasts and should flourish over the years.
If you want to take your business to the next level, a blend of branding and marketing is needed. There is already overlap, for example, keeping your branding in mind as you map out your next email marketing or print campaign.
Ways to leverage the two include:
What are you waiting for? Get the Strand360 advantage – simplified marketing solutions, actionable advice, the backing of global partners and suppliers, and a comprehensive marketing program – to grow your business and reach your objectives. Contact us and one of our design and marketing professionals will reach out to arrange a time to talk about your business and the marketing vs branding issues you are facing.