Digital Marketing Blueprint

There are times when a plan isn’t required, like going for a hike when you need to clear your head or getting together with friends when you want to have some fun. But when it comes to more complex things like finding and converting more paying customers online, having a strategic plan in place is a must-have.


What is a digital blueprint?

Strand360's Digital Marketing Blueprint service is designed to give you the guidance you need to get the most from your digital marketing efforts. It includes an analysis of your web presence and online marketing activities, along with strategic recommendations and a blueprint for achieving your marketing goals based on your budget, resources, and, ultimately, your vision.

What goes into a digital blueprint

At Strand360, we’re big believers in a “strategy-first” approach. Our Digital Marketing Blueprint service is designed for businesses who need some strategic guidance on their marketing efforts. Using a tried and tested process, our blueprint methodology consists of:

A collaborative discovery session to understand your ideal customers and define your buyer personas, key messaging, and offers

A review of the current market trends, search demand for your products or services, and how you’re currently ranking for industry-related keywords

A competitive review of your online presence in comparison to your competitors and other businesses within your industry and region

A detailed analysis of your website’s user experience and content, including key observations, insights and recommendations for improvement

A one-on-one debrief and consultation to review the nal blueprint and provide answers to any additional questions you may have

Wondering if a Strand360 Digital Marketing Blueprint will deliver value to your business? Here are some added benefits you’ll receive:

A expert review of your current digital marketing eorts so you can clearly understand what’s working and what isn’t

Detailed information on your competitors’ online advertising activities, including what keywords they‘re using and how much they’re spending

A better understanding of how to eectively reach and communicate with your ideal target audience

A comprehensive digital marketing strategy and road map for your business that can be implemented in a realistic timeframe and based on your budget

The option to outsource your digital marketing implementation to WSI at a preferred rate if you don’t have the time or resources

You Have A Goal?

We Can Help You Achieve It.